US President Donald Trump has said he still has a good relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
“I have a great relationship with Kim Jong-un and we'll see what happens, but certainly he's a nuclear power,” he said.
He referred to the nuclear arsenals of Russia and China, saying, “It would be a great achievement if we could reduce their numbers. We have so many weapons and the power is so great,” Reuters reported.
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“First of all, it's not needed in that volume. And then we'll have to bring in others because, as you know, to a lesser extent - Kim Jong-un has a lot of nuclear weapons, a lot of them, and so do others. You've got India, you've got Pakistan, you've got other countries that have them, and we're bringing them in,” he said.
A White House spokesperson, commenting on Trump's DPRK policy, said, “President Trump will continue the policy of complete denuclearization of North Korea during his presidency.”
Photo: Renhap.
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