It is unclear what age audience the film was made for.
After watching "Snow White" you understand why the film has such different ratings on Western film critic review aggregator sites - despite the fact that overall they are still "below average".
The thing is that the new "Snow White" is a very uneven work. The first half hour is simply unbearably boring, but then the dwarves appear and bring at least some humor to this boredom. (In fact, in the memory of the author of these lines, "Snow White" is the first Hollywood film for family viewing in which there is no opportunity to laugh in the first half hour).
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Again, although "Snow White" is a musical film and in these first half hour its heroines constantly sing, before the scenes with the dwarves you begin to wonder - did no one really tell the director that a musical is good when it contains songs of different genres? But here too this shortcoming was corrected.
Then, when a certain Jonathan (a replacement for the traditional prince), the leader of the bandits, appears, "Snow White" smoothly flows into a teenage movie, but here too there is a problem - Zegler was already over 20 years old at that time and her flirtatious eye rolls and smiles, which are quite normal for an adult girl, are not suitable for Snow White.
Then the film also includes political motives in the form of memories of the good king and queen, Snow White's parents, and here the adult viewer, who came to the cinema to accompany their small children, begins to wonder - is it really the USA, which was a model of democracy for Europeans in the person of de Tocqueville at the time when the Brothers Grimm composed their fairy tale, who want to tell us that there are "good monarchies"?
In general, all these colored stones do not fit together into a complete mosaic, and most importantly, you can not understand for what audience the film was shot, since for small children its entire second half is uninteresting, for teenagers it is technologically archaic, and for an adult audience it is simply a failure?
Photo: Facebook
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