US President Donald Trump said that the President of Ukraine is ready to make an agreement.
“Zelensky wants to make an agreement. Putin should also be ready to make an agreement because he is destroying Russia by not making an agreement. I think Russia has big problems. Just look at the inflation in Russia. I would hope he is willing to make a deal. He can't be thrilled that he's not doing so well. I mean, he's doing fine, but most people thought the war would be over in about a week and now it's been going on for three years, hasn't it?”, Trump said.
Commenting on sanctions against Russia, Trump said he favors duties over sanctions, Voice of America reported.
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He said he plans to hold a meeting with Putin, but did not reveal details about the possible timing of such a meeting, noting that it could happen rather quickly.
Trump reiterated that he is trying to bring Russia's war in Ukraine to an end as soon as possible and repeated his assertion that the war should never have started.
He said the U.S. is providing more aid to Ukraine than other NATO countries.
“NATO should be paying more. NATO should pay 5 percent,” Trump said, repeating his demand that Alliance countries increase defense spending.
So much on defense does not spend now no NATO country, including the United States.
Photo: screenshot.
Читайте также: The USA demands Russia and Ukraine to compromise
Читайте также: Ukraine may be left without US aid for three months
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