The ZDOROVI team, with the support of USAID (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance) and Action Against Hunger (ACF), is implementing the Medicines for Doctors psychological support project for healthcare workers from the southeastern region.
The project aims to provide psychological support to medical personnel from the southeastern region to maintain their mental and emotional health.
As a result of the full-scale invasion, medical personnel working in the frontline regions face psychological exhaustion and stress due to the unstable and traumatic environment in which they work.
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The lack of psychological support exacerbates this problem, leading to high levels of stress, exhaustion and mental health problems. Healthcare workers are at risk of experiencing long-term psychological consequences that will ultimately affect their ability to provide quality care and jeopardize their own well-being.
According to Natalia Tulinova, founder of ZDOROVI: “Medical workers who remain in the frontline areas work under constant threat and stress. Every day they come into contact with other people's pain, they risk emotional exhaustion. The project's psychologist will identify existing psychological problems, teach doctors how to cope with stress on their own, and share effective recommendations for providing first aid that healthcare professionals can use not only for self-medication but also in the process of communicating with patients".
The project will be implemented in Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Dnipro regions in offline and online formats. The ZDOROVI expert team selected 15 largest medical institutions to participate in the offline format.
ZDOROVI invites healthcare professionals from public institutions in Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Dnipro regions to join the online training. To participate, healthcare professionals need to register here:
The training will result in a psychologist identifying the level of burnout, systematizing and gaining knowledge of first aid, and acquiring practices that will help reduce stress.
Online training program:
- Basics of providing First Psychological Aid (FPA).
- Blitz test to determine the level of burnout syndrome.
- Dispute “Taking care of yourself or a patient: how a specialist can take care of himself”.
- Workshop on self-regulation and self-support.
Information about the psychologist:
Olena Dorohavtseva is a full member of the National Psychological Association, head of the Luhansk regional branch of the Art Therapy Association, a special psychologist, neuropsychologist, art therapist, trauma-focused therapist, mediator, facilitator, and consultant of the psychological assistance telephone line.
The project is supported by USAID (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance) and Action Against Hunger (ACF).
Читайте также: ZDOROVI will hold a large-scale training course for hospital managers
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