37 deputies are on a business trip to the USA.
"Ukraine is facing a very important task - to reset our relations with our strategic partners, which are the United States. And we do it systematically at all levels, at absolutely all levels, including at the level of restoring our relations with the Congress and the Senate of the United States. And that is why a large delegation, it seems, 37 people, who in parallel represent half, even more than half of the opposition, they went there in order to systematically work with senators, with deputies from Congress to establish relations", - said the speaker of the Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk.
The deputies are not on a business trip at public expense, but went to the United States at their own expense, Interfax-Ukraine reported.
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The deputies are actively working in committees, including in the frontline territories.
"The Ukrainian parliament works everywhere, works always, works according to the schedule. The work of the Parliament is not reduced to pressing buttons. It is work in committees, it is work in temporary investigative commissions, it is work on the diplomatic front," he said.
Photo: VRU.
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