US President Donald Trump will impose 100% duties on the BRICS countries if they come up with the idea of creating their own currency to replace the US dollar.
“The idea that the BRICS countries are trying to move away from the dollar and we're standing by and watching is a thing of the past. We will demand a commitment from these countries that they will not create a new BRICS currency or support any other currency to replace the mighty U.S. dollar, or they will face 100% duties and they should expect to say goodbye to the ability to sell their products in the wonderful U.S. economy. They can find another sucker country,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.
Trump added that there is no way the BRICS will replace the U.S. dollar in international trade or anywhere else.
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“And any country that tries to do so should say 'hello' to duties and 'goodbye' to America!” he said.
Photo: CTK.
Читайте также: Trump promises to follow through on his threat against Canada, Mexico and China
Читайте также: We will protect the US with duties - Trump
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