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Religious Diplomacy: Ukrainian delegation meets with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

11:30 03 фев 2024.  2390Читайте на: УКРРУС

A group of clergymen from the Evangelical churches of Ukraine had a friendly fraternal meeting with their brother in faith, Mike Johnson, who is also a U.S. Congressional Special Representative.

The meeting was part of the Ukrainian Week in Washington. Leaders of Ukrainian churches that are members of the Council of Evangelical Protestant Churches of Ukraine: Head of the All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists Valeriy Antoniuk, Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith Anatoliy Kozachok, and President of the Ukrainian Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Stanislav Nosov.

"This meeting was informal among brothers in faith. The leaders of Ukrainian Christian churches conveyed a lot of truth about the horror that Russia and other forces of darkness are doing in Ukraine, destroying and destroying churches, killing and persecuting pastors and priests, kidnapping children and raping babies," said Pavlo Unguryan, organizer of Ukrainian Week in Washington and a participant in the meeting.

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"Russia is spreading this terror through the largest country in Europe. And it was very important for Brother Mike to hear the voice of his fellow believers, and it is important for us that in addition to communication through diplomatic, parliamentary and military channels, there should be this friendly brotherly conversation: between two Christian nations, because both America and Ukraine are countries based on faith in Jesus Christ," says Valeriy Antoniuk, head of the All-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christians-Baptists.

At the meeting, letters of support for Ukraine were handed over, which were adopted at the meetings of the Council of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and the Council of Heads of Christian Churches and signed by the heads of Orthodox, Catholic, Greek Catholic, and Protestant churches.

"In my opinion, Johnson is a person who is really trying to find a way out of the situation that has developed due to difficult political challenges. I am glad that the meeting took place, he gives the impression of being quite open and understanding that this assistance to Ukraine is necessary, as there is a struggle for Ukraine's existence. It seems to me that he understood what we told him," said Senior Bishop Anatoliy Kozachok of the Ukrainian Evangelical Christian Church.

By the way, clergymen from Ukraine, pastors, military chaplains, and religious communities are holding Ukrainian Week in Washington, D.C., where they meet and talk about the crimes and atrocities committed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. This is the third annual Ukrainian Week. During these seven days, Ukrainian and American leaders are discussing increased cooperation and opportunities for religious, political, and business partnerships. A number of events will serve as a platform for religious advocacy between Ukraine and the United States.

Евгений Медведев


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