French President Emmanuel Macron hopes that a truce in Russia's war against Ukraine is possible in the coming weeks.
He believes it would only be a prerequisite for full-fledged peace talks, Fox News reported.
“I'm hopeful. And I think everyone remembers all the losses and what the Ukrainian people have been going through for the last three years, and they're just defending their territory and sovereignty,” he said.
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He believes that Trump's rise to power is a game changer and believes that the U.S.'s deterrence capability provides an opportunity to engage with Russia.
“So I think it's possible in the foreseeable future,” Macron said.
He has some caveats about a quick reconciliation with Moscow.
Macron believes that what the sides need now is a ceasefire that can be assessed and verified, as well as full-fledged negotiations.
He said they need to be careful about this because they already agreed on a ceasefire with Russia in 2014, but each time Russia violated it.
According to him, the ceasefire is needed to see how committed Russia is to its promises.
Photo: OP.
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