Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said about the pressure of law enforcers on the city authorities of the capital.
“The frenzied wave of law enforcers' pressure on the city authorities continues. Recently it has intensified. Manipulations and lies, violation of legal procedures, criminal proceedings on far-fetched grounds - all this is done to discredit the power of the capital and to paralyze the life support of the city. And it happens during the war, when endless searches stop the work of public utilities, demoralize employees,” Klitschko said.
All law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, even law enforcers from other regions, are involved in the investigative actions against representatives of the Kiev authorities.
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“Over the past year in Kiev conducted more than 200 searches, 400 seizures of documents (often for the same ones come several times - they have fun that way). Law enforcers conducted more than 500 interrogations. We have received almost 100 suspicions,” Klitschko said.
He noted that searches are carried out not only at the workplaces of city authorities, but also at home, in their cars and at their relatives, besides, all these shows are widely covered in the media.
Klitschko added that often people without a court decision are already determined guilty, while only a few cases reach the court.
“So what are detective shows for, if not to vilify and discredit?! And why do law enforcers act so cynically? Because they were given a command and promised that they will not be held liable under the law, which they themselves violate?”, - he said.
Klitschko recalled that Kiev has created a department of anti-corruption, department of internal financial audit and control, as well as a number of commissions and working groups with the participation of law enforcers.
He assures that the city government always cooperates with law enforcement agencies. In particular, constantly passes the identified information on possible facts of corrupt practices and prevents them.
“We are open to cooperation and will not cover anyone. But everything must be done according to the law, and not just for the sake of headlines in the media!”, - summarized Klitschko.
Photo: kyiv.klichko.org.
Читайте также: Zelensky's people are engaged in political intrigue in Kiev - Klitschko
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