On March 6, 1970, the single Let It Be was released.
"Old-time" rock music fans in Ukraine remember the excitement caused by the appearance of the first Let It Be albums, imported illegally of course, in the country. After the brilliant Abbey Road, it seemed that The Beatles had to do something completely fantastic.
The fans were greatly disappointed when they finally heard this album - it was nowhere near the quality of Abbey Road and only caused surprise at how The Beatles could "go downhill" like that. And only later did it turn out that Let It Be was actually recorded earlier than Abbey Road, and that its producer was not George Martin, but Phil Spector.
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Nevertheless, at least one song from the album "has gone down in history" and gave it its name. McCartney said that the idea for Let It Be came to him after he saw his mother in a dream, who died of cancer when he was 14. McCartney later said that he felt happy in me, and his mother told him: "Everything will be fine, just let it be."
The single from Let It Be was released on March 6, 1970, and on March 26, Phil Spector remixed the song for the album of the same name. The new version was subsequently mixed in 2003 for the album Let It Be... Naked, in which McCartney removed all the additions in the style of Spector's "wall of sound" that offended him.
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