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Netflix to Remake Old Stephen King Novel

23:44 11 мар 2025.  152Читайте на: УКРРУС

Crazy St. Bernard Cujo will be given a new lease on life.

Interest in King's old novels, which, frankly, were much more interesting and scarier than the new ones, does not wane.

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Roy Lee is set to remake the horror story about a mother and son who fight off a rabid dog while trapped in their car for Netflix. Cujo was first adapted from King's 1981 novel of the same name, in which the lovable St. Bernard Cujo becomes a vicious, murderous aggressor after being bitten by a bat.

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Since the film is still in its early stages, there is no visual material for it, so here is a still and video from the old film.

King's novels, beginning with 1976's Carrie, have long been adapted into Hollywood films. It helps that the "king of horror" has published some 65 novels and more than 200 short stories over his long career.

Photo: Pinterest

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