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Mel Gibson's action thriller was panned by critics but loved by audiences

13:10 19 мар 2025.  54Читайте на: УКРРУС

Mark Wahlberg proved himself to be a true professional in the leading role.

Wikipedia, which generally suffers from, to put it mildly, one-sidedness and sometimes just ignorance when it comes to "Flight Risk", lists negative reviews of the film, but in this case, they are not worth paying attention to. In any case, Mel Gibson's film, with a relatively small budget by Hollywood standards of $29 million, has already paid for itself - unlike Hollywood arthouse, which film critics shower with praise. And Mark Wahlberg (one must assume that his fee took up a considerable part of the budget) would not star in a bad film.

The whole point here is that "Flight Risk" is what is called "good old cinema", when in the course of only 85 minutes (another merit of the film) there are so many plot twists that the viewer is constantly in suspense. In addition, Mel Gibson (in this case, the director) has long since made it clear to film critics that he does not care about their opinion - and they do not forgive such a thing.

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